Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The last first day of my weight loss journey!

       I have struggled with my weight my whole life, I have tried a few different approaches as far as life style changes including weight watchers and Atkins.  They both proved successful for up to 6-8 months at a time. However, eventually I fell out of that lifestyle.  At times, I joined gyms, took Pilates and yoga classes, water aerobics and even invested in a personal trainer.  Changes happened, but I again eventually fell off that wagon.  
       It was the fall of 2013 and my husband and I had a cruise planned for November of that year and it was 4 weeks away.  I thought to myself "ok, I'm going to bust my butt for 4 weeks and lose some weight."  I knew we had TONS of workout DVD's, I finally looked at them. I actually had to take the clear plastic off of some. I came across Tony Horton's Power 90.  This was it, I was going to dedicate 4 weeks to Tony and see what I could do! I loved it, I loved the energy I had, the increased confidence over only 4 weeks. I had results, I lost some weight and then we had a great 5 day cruise and a wonderful family wedding in Florida.  It was after the cruise, at the wedding, where I was SO ABSOLUTELY miserable, I could not even stand on my own two feet. I was swollen, bloated and in pain. My legs and feet were retaining so much water I was unable to fully enjoy that wedding reception with my family and I knew something HAD to change.  When we came home, my feet returned to normal, as did life. Another month went by and I had not continued on my power 90 workouts, I had already gained some weight back after the cruise and I was right back where I started.  Again, something had to change!
       I had been in contact with one of my college friends who popped up on facebook with a mission.  She was posting all these transformation stories and had a transformation of her own. I reached out to her and said "ok I'm ready, I want to do P90x3." She said she would be my coach and she would support, motivate and hold me accountable in a challenge group on Facebook and the only thing I had to do was purchase the workout program and commit to drinking Shakeology once per day.  My first thought was "alright I will try this shakeology thing, but I will cancel after 30 days because I am sure it is not good, but whatever, I trust her and I will try it." 
       January 6th, 2014-Day one of my last weight loss journey.  This was day one of the challenge group, I was not super active in the group as far as daily posting went.  We were told to check in daily, I sometimes would. I was nervous, I was scared, I didn't want to post in case I didn't continue with this program, it would look bad, I would fail yet again. I was, however, looking at each post everyday, eating clean, doing my daily workout and drinking my shakeology everyday!  This group was FULL of positive energy, the coaches in the group posted recipes, meal plans, shakeology recipes and even called us out if we did not check in.  I was called out a few times, I would always respond that I was on board with the challenge but just did not always verbalize it.  If you know me, I do not like to be put on the spot, I didn't always enjoy being called out, so I decided I would stay ahead of it and post daily about my workout, my successes, my struggle to not eat the cake that was made for a co-workers birthday.  Guess what, I got even more support on my posts, this was great!! I was dedicating myself to something and I LOVED it. I loved how I felt! I quickly became a pro at the sweaty post workout selfie and looked forward to FLEX friday to show off my hard work.  Remember I was going to cancel the shakeology after 30 days...well, that decision was quickly tossed out the window.  The first two weeks drinking chocolate shakeology, I had no chocolate cravings, increased energy and I did not feel bloated, AT ALL. I was in love.  I was hooked on this whole challenge group atmosphere! 
       I completed my first challenge group and I was down 17 pounds and 21 inches with P90x3, shakeology and clean eating. I was so happy, I did it, I completed it and I felt great, I felt the best I have in a long time!! This transformation story...TO BE CONTINUED!!


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