Tuesday, April 26, 2016

30 days with Tony Horton and 22 minute Hard Corps

On March 28th I started my 60 day journey with 22 minute Hard Corps and I was scared but excited.  It was like boot camp....hard core from the start.....what the heck was I getting myself into...the fit test had me sweating!

lose weight, lower your A1C, vitamin D deficency 

I loved Tony Horton and his past workouts and had results with these programs. It was GO TIME once again! 

I have done Beachbody workouts for 2 years, I love them and I have done 75% of the programs available, many from start to finish.  I have had weight loss and inches lost with each program, I have not always shared these results because I never thought they were good enough.  I always wanted more, so I would get lazy for a week or two start again with another program BUT within those 2 weeks I usually gained some weight back, lost my momentum and sometimes was back to where I started.  Oh the vicious cycle, ugh.....more on this later. 

This start date was different, I had just come back from the Beachbody success club cruise where I was surrounded by 6,000 other coaches, the corporate team and master trainers for 5 days! I had earned this cruise by helping others in their fitness journey and I was determined! I was entering the Beachbody Summer Strong competition and I was dedicating the next 60 days to myself! 

So, enough fluff and back story.......here they are!

**4 weeks of 22 minute hard corps
**4 weeks of daily Shakeology
**4 weeks of clean eating

I lost 12 pounds and 10 inches! More than that, I gained muscle, confidence and my drive for results! I learned again that I CAN do this. It is not easy but it is SO worth it! 
I celebrated my success with my challengers and they celebrated their success with me and we are more driven, more determined to make these last 30 days EVEN BETTER!
lose weight with diabetes, lower A1C, 22 minute hard corps, beachbody

These are hard to share as I am embarrassed of my before pictures because I let myself get back to where I essentially began.  However, life is a journey and I am riding the ride and not afraid to share my REAL weight loss journey!

lose weight with diabetes, lower A1C, 22 minute hard corps, beachbody

Are you ready to get out of your own way and get results?

I am ready to help and I can't wait to help you! I will be there with you each step of the way to support you, motivate you, laugh with you and if needed, cry with you, but we will do it!! We will get through this together! 

Fill out the form below for info on my next 30 day challenge!

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