Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Week 1 of 22 Minute Hard corps

I have done it, I have completed ONE WEEK of my second round of 22 Minute hard corps and I wanted to share how it all went down!! 
Monday through thursday--ON POINT with nutrition and workouts!! 
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were a little more challenging as I was staying in a beautiful house with college friends and celebrating a beautiful bride-to-be.  We stayed at Ohiopyle state park and had a blast! Our house had a great pool, 2 hot tubs and I was surrounded by good friends, new and old...we shared memories, made new memories, ate great food and even visited a natural smooth water slide.  

The girls that went down the natural smooth rock slide said it should have been called "semi-smooth" but either way, it was beautiful and fun to watch as they bounced their way down the so-called natural smooth rock slide.

That evening we enjoyed pizza and some drinks and I had a great time, however, that is when the wheels came off the cart for the night.  
I am the first to admit that I have slip ups and it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to be perfect, so, we just need to pick ourselves up, move on and get back on the healthy train! 

I am very happy with my week one results as I got up on Monday morning and was down 1.6 pounds and 4 inches. I will take it! This goes to show that balance is KEY! Some treats during a special celebration will not TOTALLY derail your healthy train. The important thing is to jump back in, own your slip-ups and move on! 
Yesterday I jumped into week 2 of the program. Last week was a week of great clean food choices and fun group workouts but not according to 22 minute hard corps as I was visiting Destin, Florida attending a leadership retreat for my Beachbody business!! More on that later...

Are you ready to make a change? do you just want to feel better? have more energy? Let's chat!! 

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