Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Year, New You--Beachbody Health Bet Challenge

 I am stoked, I am excited and I am pumped to host my second Beachbody health bet! Beachbody is betting that you will fall in love with getting fit and they will pay you to do it!! How cool is that? Crazy, right?

January 2nd will kick off my New Year, New You health and fitness challenge group and I am looking for women to join me!  Women who are ready to make a change, jump into a healthier lifestyle, become more fit and have fun doing it. 
I am looking for you if you relate to my story--the story of "I have tried everything and I don't know where to go, I just don't have to motivation, I can't stick to anything, I have no idea where to start." If you have said any of those statements, I want to help you! 

Those statements are where I was 3 years ago, I had tried everything, I would see some results and quit, I could NEVER stick to any "lifestyle" I tried and I would end up at the same place..."I just don't know where to start, I have so much to lose." 

That is when I joined my first health and fitness challenge group with my beachbody coach and I have never looked back. I have now upgraded to helping other women like me start and con't their healthy fit journey and I LOVE IT! My goal in 2017 is to help 100 people and I want YOU, if you are reading this right now to be one of my first! 

So, back to the details of this awesome opportunity, the Beachbody Health bet!!  This health and fitness challenge group will kick off January 2nd. It will run for 30 days with one week of preseason where I will help you get set up with your nutrition plan, your workouts, your meal plan and get you pumped to rock out your first 30 days within the group to get the results YOU want and reach YOUR OWN personal goals that I will help you make if you just don't know where to start! 

What could be better than that? Welp, how bout getting your cut of AT LEAST 2 million dollars. Yep, Beachbody is guaranteeing the pot of cash at 2 million, and may be as much as 3 million!!!  WHAT?!?!  The requirements will simply be what you will be doing within the challenge group. You will be working out, drinking Shakeology and following your meal plan and when you log at least 3 workouts and 5 Shakeologies within each week, you will get your share of the money! How is that for a New Years bet? Pretty freakin sweet! 

January is the time to start fresh, make new goals and dream new dreams. 
I am betting on you, you can do this and you are worth it!! Are you willing to bet on yourself? Let's do it!!!

So, I bet you are wondering...where do I sign up for this sweet deal?? Below is the application for you to fill out for entrance into the group. It's that easy! 

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