Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring into Health

spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey

Spring is officially here and it feels amazing to feel the sunshine on our faces, the breeze in our hair, the excitement of upcoming summer vacations, cookouts and soccer games but are you ready to unpack the shorts, tank tops and bathing suits? 
spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey

I am not quite there myself, believe me when I say...I know how you feel! That feeling of excitement on the first pool day of summer quickly weakens when it comes time to put that bathing suit on. I have been there, I know how you feel.   

I have found the support of my private online healthy fit support groups have helped me maintain my fitness levels for more than 3 years!! They have helped me gain confidence, lose inches and drop the pounds and I am ready to help you feel that same confidence, drop the inches and pounds and pull on that bathing suit and ROCK IT!!!

We will have the fitness programs, the nutrition plans and the support of one another and we will take daily action to reach those small goals that turn into long term success! We will be prepared for cookouts, soccer games and pool parties with our daily dose of Shakeology and I will share tons of clean eating alternative recipes to take to picnics and parties! 
So with all that being said, are you ready to join my "Spring into Health" healthy fit support group? Fill out the application at the end of this blog! Read below for more info also!
As many of you know, Beachbody released the Beachbody All Access pass this year for $199.  It is an amazing deal that allows for a FULL YEAR of fitness right at your fingertips, it's fabulous! Well, Beachbody has just made this even BETTER!
spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey
Yep, you see it correct, $160 for the whole package, OMG, I didn't think it could get better.  

This limited time only promotion where you get:
  • Beachbody On Demand All Access for 1 full year
  • A  30 Day Supply of Shakeology
  • The Portion Fix program
  • Access into my Spring Into Fitness Accountability and Support Group in April
  • Discounted price and shipping all for $160 US (previously at $199 + tax and shipping)

Holy Moly, crazy steal at this price! My next healthy fit support group is kicking off April 24th and I cannot WAIT to help YOU rock that bathing suit with fun fitness, delicious clean eating meal plans and the support of my exclusive support group!! Are you ready? Here are the links to purchase below:

Purchase the Beachbody on Demand All Access Challenge Pack

Purchase the Beachbody on Demand All Access KICKSTART Challenge pack (includes the 3 day refresh)

If you have questions send me a message or an email.  Also, message me when you order and let me know if you would like to be a part of my exclusive Spring into Health healthy fit support group!! 
If you are lost as to where to start, just fill out the form below and I will be in touch!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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