Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring into Health

spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey

Spring is officially here and it feels amazing to feel the sunshine on our faces, the breeze in our hair, the excitement of upcoming summer vacations, cookouts and soccer games but are you ready to unpack the shorts, tank tops and bathing suits? 
spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey

I am not quite there myself, believe me when I say...I know how you feel! That feeling of excitement on the first pool day of summer quickly weakens when it comes time to put that bathing suit on. I have been there, I know how you feel.   

I have found the support of my private online healthy fit support groups have helped me maintain my fitness levels for more than 3 years!! They have helped me gain confidence, lose inches and drop the pounds and I am ready to help you feel that same confidence, drop the inches and pounds and pull on that bathing suit and ROCK IT!!!

We will have the fitness programs, the nutrition plans and the support of one another and we will take daily action to reach those small goals that turn into long term success! We will be prepared for cookouts, soccer games and pool parties with our daily dose of Shakeology and I will share tons of clean eating alternative recipes to take to picnics and parties! 
So with all that being said, are you ready to join my "Spring into Health" healthy fit support group? Fill out the application at the end of this blog! Read below for more info also!
As many of you know, Beachbody released the Beachbody All Access pass this year for $199.  It is an amazing deal that allows for a FULL YEAR of fitness right at your fingertips, it's fabulous! Well, Beachbody has just made this even BETTER!
spring into health, beachbody promotion, plus size support, transformation journey
Yep, you see it correct, $160 for the whole package, OMG, I didn't think it could get better.  

This limited time only promotion where you get:
  • Beachbody On Demand All Access for 1 full year
  • A  30 Day Supply of Shakeology
  • The Portion Fix program
  • Access into my Spring Into Fitness Accountability and Support Group in April
  • Discounted price and shipping all for $160 US (previously at $199 + tax and shipping)

Holy Moly, crazy steal at this price! My next healthy fit support group is kicking off April 24th and I cannot WAIT to help YOU rock that bathing suit with fun fitness, delicious clean eating meal plans and the support of my exclusive support group!! Are you ready? Here are the links to purchase below:

Purchase the Beachbody on Demand All Access Challenge Pack

Purchase the Beachbody on Demand All Access KICKSTART Challenge pack (includes the 3 day refresh)

If you have questions send me a message or an email.  Also, message me when you order and let me know if you would like to be a part of my exclusive Spring into Health healthy fit support group!! 
If you are lost as to where to start, just fill out the form below and I will be in touch!

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Chili ~pressure cooker

We have discovered a LOVE for our pressure cooker, well, I guess I should say my husband has, lol. He is the master chef in this house but anyway, I am happy to share his amazing recipes!!  This is a standard chili recipe made in our 6 QT pressure cooker.
pressure cooker, instapot, chili, easy dinner, crock pot, clean eating, make ahead meal

pressure cooker, instapot, chili, easy dinner, crock pot, clean eating, make ahead meal2 lbs ground beef (we used ground sirloin)
2 cans great northern beans, drained
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can rotel
1 can chili beans with sauce
2 TBSP onion powder
2 TBSP garlic powder
3 TBSP cumin
2 tsp chipotle chili powder
1/2 tsp ground pepper
2 tsp ground aleppo pepper
3 TBSP sriracha

I watched him make this and it is SO SUPER easy!
Cook ground beef in pressure cooker on saute until browned.
Add tomatoes, rotel and beans.
Add spices.
Put top on pressure cooker and set for 15 minutes.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Banana oat breakfast muffins

I have tried SO many oat-type muffins, many good and some very bland.  I have come up with this combination to fit what my hubby and I love in a good oat based muffin.  I always double this recipe because we love them so much!! 

banana oat muffins, clean eating, breakfast on the go, grab and go, oatmeal

2 ripe bananas
1 egg
1/4 C plain greek yogurt
1/2 C unsweetened natural applesauce
1 TBSP honey
1 TBSP cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda 
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 C old fashioned oats

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Start at top of list and mix all ingredients in large bowl in order to first mash the banana, mix with egg and other liquid ingredients prior to adding dry ingredients.  
Grease muffin pan.
Add mixture to make 12 muffins.
Bake at 350 for 20 min.

If you would like to be the first to get these delicious recipes, join me in my next healthy fit support group! 

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

FREE Clean Eating Group

tofu, clean eating dinner ideas, muffins, turkey chili, plus size support group

Alrighty's that time again! I like to run these free 5 day clean eating groups to share what I have learned about clean eating and the benefits of this lifestyle every once in a while! 

We kick off on Monday, February 13th and I will be sharing information, substitutions and TONS of clean eating approved recipes! Even kid friendly, husband approved recipes!

tofu, clean eating dinner ideas, muffins, turkey chili, plus size support group

These 3 delicious recipes will make their debut within the group before even going viral here on my blog or Pinterest! Oh, BTW do you follow me on Pinterest---you must! 

Don't miss this group! It's gonna be a good one, I may even throw in a prize or 2 for sharing your success and struggles with making healthy food choices because let's be real, adulting is hard.  
Complete this form for entry into the group(it's free, no catches) or friend me on Facebook and ask to be added!! 

See you on the 13th my friends!! 

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Beachbody ON Demand ALL ACCESS is here!!

Hot diggity dog, Beachbody is launching an amazing deal and opportunity for yet another GREAT option for us to reach out health and fitness goals.   Welcome the launch of the ALL ACCESS Beachbody on Demand Challenge pack!!!
In a nutshell, this challenge pack will provide you with all the needed fitness programs you need to transform your 2017 and have your best year yet! You will have all access to EVERY fitness program that is present in Beachbody on demand as well as ANY and ALL new fitness programs launched throughout the year. Holy cow, Awesome! I have added some Q&A's below to explain this in further detail.  Please fill out the application at the end of this blog to get more info or join my next healthy fit accountability group, I cannot wait to help you set goals and crush them in 2017!!

What is included in the Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack?
1)1-Year Membership to Beachbody On Demand (BOD) with all content included, plus future releases
2)Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct)
3) Portion Fix (includes 7-piece portion control container set, eating guide, large blue container & shaker cup)
4)Business Starter Kit waived (included with new Coach enrollment)

What is Beachbody on Demand?
24/7 access to stream Beachbody workouts anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet or WIFI connection and downloadable and customizable nutrition plans. 

What is a challenge pack?
This particular challenge pack is your full ticket to reaching your goals and will include ALL ACCESS to all fitness programs within Beachbody on Demand, your first 30 days of Shakeology, the portion fix container system for easy meal planning and food preparation, and instant access to my monthly healthy fit accountability group or challenge group, explained below.

What is a challenge group?

Challenge groups are private groups on Facebook where I help challengers one on one to meet their health and fitness goals.  I run the challenge groups with a few other coaches, so everyone has a few coaches who are there to help. I help you stay accountable with your workout and meal plans, motivate you when you are down, listen when you need to vent and help you stay positive throughout the whole process. My daily posts include motivation, support, nutrition tips, healthy recipes, and Shakeology tips and recipes to help you along your journey.
I ask my challengers to check in daily and post how their day has been going with their food choices, workout and daily Shakeology. I then know what focus my challenger needs to continue in their journey; whether it is a virtual kick in the butt or a pat on the back, I provide it and give them what they need to keep pushing play.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Year, New You--Beachbody Health Bet Challenge

 I am stoked, I am excited and I am pumped to host my second Beachbody health bet! Beachbody is betting that you will fall in love with getting fit and they will pay you to do it!! How cool is that? Crazy, right?

January 2nd will kick off my New Year, New You health and fitness challenge group and I am looking for women to join me!  Women who are ready to make a change, jump into a healthier lifestyle, become more fit and have fun doing it. 
I am looking for you if you relate to my story--the story of "I have tried everything and I don't know where to go, I just don't have to motivation, I can't stick to anything, I have no idea where to start." If you have said any of those statements, I want to help you! 

Those statements are where I was 3 years ago, I had tried everything, I would see some results and quit, I could NEVER stick to any "lifestyle" I tried and I would end up at the same place..."I just don't know where to start, I have so much to lose." 

That is when I joined my first health and fitness challenge group with my beachbody coach and I have never looked back. I have now upgraded to helping other women like me start and con't their healthy fit journey and I LOVE IT! My goal in 2017 is to help 100 people and I want YOU, if you are reading this right now to be one of my first! 

So, back to the details of this awesome opportunity, the Beachbody Health bet!!  This health and fitness challenge group will kick off January 2nd. It will run for 30 days with one week of preseason where I will help you get set up with your nutrition plan, your workouts, your meal plan and get you pumped to rock out your first 30 days within the group to get the results YOU want and reach YOUR OWN personal goals that I will help you make if you just don't know where to start! 

What could be better than that? Welp, how bout getting your cut of AT LEAST 2 million dollars. Yep, Beachbody is guaranteeing the pot of cash at 2 million, and may be as much as 3 million!!!  WHAT?!?!  The requirements will simply be what you will be doing within the challenge group. You will be working out, drinking Shakeology and following your meal plan and when you log at least 3 workouts and 5 Shakeologies within each week, you will get your share of the money! How is that for a New Years bet? Pretty freakin sweet! 

January is the time to start fresh, make new goals and dream new dreams. 
I am betting on you, you can do this and you are worth it!! Are you willing to bet on yourself? Let's do it!!!

So, I bet you are wondering...where do I sign up for this sweet deal?? Below is the application for you to fill out for entrance into the group. It's that easy! 

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Week 1 of 22 Minute Hard corps

I have done it, I have completed ONE WEEK of my second round of 22 Minute hard corps and I wanted to share how it all went down!! 
Monday through thursday--ON POINT with nutrition and workouts!! 
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were a little more challenging as I was staying in a beautiful house with college friends and celebrating a beautiful bride-to-be.  We stayed at Ohiopyle state park and had a blast! Our house had a great pool, 2 hot tubs and I was surrounded by good friends, new and old...we shared memories, made new memories, ate great food and even visited a natural smooth water slide.  

The girls that went down the natural smooth rock slide said it should have been called "semi-smooth" but either way, it was beautiful and fun to watch as they bounced their way down the so-called natural smooth rock slide.

That evening we enjoyed pizza and some drinks and I had a great time, however, that is when the wheels came off the cart for the night.  
I am the first to admit that I have slip ups and it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to be perfect, so, we just need to pick ourselves up, move on and get back on the healthy train! 

I am very happy with my week one results as I got up on Monday morning and was down 1.6 pounds and 4 inches. I will take it! This goes to show that balance is KEY! Some treats during a special celebration will not TOTALLY derail your healthy train. The important thing is to jump back in, own your slip-ups and move on! 
Yesterday I jumped into week 2 of the program. Last week was a week of great clean food choices and fun group workouts but not according to 22 minute hard corps as I was visiting Destin, Florida attending a leadership retreat for my Beachbody business!! More on that later...

Are you ready to make a change? do you just want to feel better? have more energy? Let's chat!! 

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